Welcome Coaches!
We are so excited for another great soccer season!
Both SafeSport abuse training and Heads Up concussion training must be completed before registering on the OHSC website. These are required trainings and by completing them up-front, allows us to properly roster a team to you once player registration is complete.
Please follow the below steps to complete your coach registration. If these trainings have already been completed, you can proceed to register HERE.
Instructions to Register as an Oak Hills Soccer Coach:
Step 1: Complete SafeSport Abuse Training
You will be asked to upload your SafeSport certificate on the coach registration form.
SafeSport Abuse Training
Guide for the SafeSport Training Site
*Please note, coaches who have previously completed the SafeSport training, may need to complete the 20-minute refresher course for the 2024-2025 season. Certificates need completion dates of Feb 1, 2024 or later. You may attach that certificate in your registration. *
Step 2: Complete Heads Up Concussion Training
You will be asked to upload your Heads Up certificate on the coach registration form.
Heads Up Concussion Training
* Please note, if you have completed the concussion training since January 1, 2023, even if it was for another sport, you may attach that certificate in your registration. *
Step 3: Once both trainings are completed, proceed to Coach Registration.
Step 4: Complete the Oregon Youth Soccer Association (OYSA) background check.
Thank you for being an Oak Hills Soccer Coach!