Rev. 10/2019
Oak Hills Soccer Club Judicial Procedure Oak Hills Soccer Club’s (OHSC) mission is to administer a recreational youth soccer club. With emphasis placed on “recreational” and “youth”, OHSC promotes and expects the highest standards of fair play, sportsmanship and conduct from all participants, including players, coaches, parents and other supporters. This policy outlines OHSC’s judicial procedure. Oak Hills Soccer Club ("Club") is a member of the Tualatin Hills Junior Soccer League ("THJSL"). THJSL administers regular league games for U-8 and older teams. Most behavior at league games is governed by THJSL rules and procedures.Judicial policies such as suspensions, etc established by THJSL will be followed by OHSC. These policies can be found here. This Code of Conduct is intended to cover behavior, including participation in OHSC activities, under THJSL jurisdiction.
The following Club judicial procedures are intended to cover all behavior while participating in Club activities not falling under THJSL jurisdiction. Club activities include all league and non-league games, such as tournaments, jamborees, indoor and all Micro Soccer competition, as well as practice sessions and special activities. OHSC expects that all participants will always act in accordance with the spirit of the game of soccer. The following standards express some specific expectations, but cannot possibly list all forms of misconduct. Any form of behavior which brings dishonor on OHSC, whether or not such behavior is specifically stated herein, may be sanctioned by the Club's Executive Board of Directors ("Board") in compliance with these judicial procedures.
PLAYERS 1. Player Participation 1.1. Each player on the roster, who is eligible, physically able to play and not under a disciplinary penalty must play a minimum of 50% of each game per THJSL policy for league games. Additionally, OHSC requires compliance in all non-league competition (tournaments, jamborees, indoor, etc.) and Micro Soccer games.
2. Player Recruitment 2.1. Coaches may be asked to recruit additional players, based on the number of players registering in their age group to supplement their roster. It is not permitted, however, for coaches to recruit players who were playing on another team last year or any potential player who lives outside the Club boundaries. It is also not permitted to recruit older players that will directly "impact" the strength of the team. Coaches must accept additional players placed on the team by the Club, up to a maximum roster or THJSL league rule.
3. Yellow & Red Cards 3.1. Players are expected to act in a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play towards opponents. The Club considers any behavior which would cause a player to receive a caution (yellow card) or send-off (red card) as unacceptable. 3.2. Any player who is sent off in a THJSL league game must be suspended for the next game played by that team, in accordance with THJSL procedures. Additionally, any coach sent off in a THJSL or OHSC game is automatically suspended for one year from the date of the game. In a non-THJSL game, tournament, jamboree or indoor, the offending coach or player must still be suspended for the next game played by that team. The "next game" does not include scrimmages. No appeal will be heard by OHSC of any penalties imposed in accordance with this rule. REV. 10/2019
3.3. When a player receives a caution (yellow card), the player's coach is responsible for sanctioning the inappropriate behavior. Penalties imposed by the coach may range up to and include a one game suspension from participation. Suspension would follow the same rules as set forth by THJSL, with the player checking in with the Center Ref in street clothes and sitting on the bench for the game.
4. Disruptive Behavior 4.1. Players are expected to not interfere with coaches or other players on their team who wish to participate in Club activities. In particular, players may not assault others, use offensive, insulting or abusive language or otherwise disrupt team practices, games or other activities. Players are expected to follow directions given by the team coaches. 4.2. If a player violates these standards, the coach of their team is responsible for sanctioning the inappropriate behavior. Penalties imposed by the coach may range up to and include a one game suspension from participation. 4.3 Foul language or physical abuse is an immediate one game suspension. 5. Persistent or Excessive Misconduct 5.1. If a player repeatedly violates these standards, or if the coach believes the violation(s) to be so serious that a one game suspension is not sufficient, the coach shall consult the Club's Director of Coaching. After consultation with the team coach, the Club's Director of Coaching may recommend to the Board that additional penalties be imposed. These additional penalties may range up to and include removal from the team for the remainder of the season, without refund of player fees. Imposition of the additional penalties requires action of the Board, in compliance with the Disciplinary Hearing Procedures outlined below.
PARENTS For the purpose of these procedures, the term "Parent" includes any legal guardian or adult family member of a participant in Club activities. Oak Hills Soccer Club hopes and expects that parents will be supportive of their child, the child's team and the child's coach. To this end, parents are expected to observe reasonable team rules as established by the coach. This includes, for example, punctuality in dropping off and picking up players from games, practices and other team activities.
1. Protocol for Expressing Concern 1.1. If a parent has a serious concern (e.g. they believe their child isn't getting a fair amount of playing time, practices are not teaching good soccer skills, etc.), they are expected to discuss their concern with the coach in private, before pursuing any other action. "Other action" specifically includes, but is not limited to, discussion with other parents, making derogatory comments about the coach or the team's performance, raising the problem with Club officers, etc. If a parent is dissatisfied after their discussion with the coach, they should contact the Club Director of Coaching. If the Club Director of Coaching is unable to satisfactorily resolve their concern, the parent should contact the Club president so the concern can be addressed by the Board Rev. 04/2015
2. Parent Misconduct 2.1. Parent misconduct is unacceptable at all Club activities.
Parent misconduct includes, but is not limited to: 2.1.1. Use of offensive, insulting or abusive language (whether verbal or non-verbal) directed towards players from either team, parents or spectators from either team, coaches from either team or game officials. 2.1.2. Violent conduct, such as assaulting any of the people listed above or their property. 2.1.3. Entering the field of play during the game without the permission of the referee. 2.1.4. Unsporting behavior, including disruption of the game or practice in any way. 2.2. Under THJSL rule, any misconduct by a parent or other spectator at a league game will result in the team's coach receiving the appropriate penalty. This may include a caution or send off. In any parent misconduct situation, coaches are expected to request that the parent(s) behave in an appropriate manner, whether or not the coach shares the parent's perspective. 3. Persistent Misconduct 3.1. Whether occurring at a THJSL game or other team activity, repeated misconduct by a parent shall result in a private conference between the parent and coach. If the parent/coach conference is followed by further misconduct, the coach will forward the issue to the Club President for resolution by action of the Board. Penalties may range up to and include removal of the parent's child from the team.
COACHES 1. Philosophy 1.1. Coaches are expected to make the interests of the players on their team the first priority. Their second priority must be the good of the game of soccer. OHSC expects that coaches will approach coaching in our Club with an appropriate recreational philosophy. An emphasis on winning is not appropriate, even if the parents stress it. When appropriate, coaches are expected to remind parents of the team's players about the Club's recreational philosophy.
2. Coach Misconduct 2.1. Coach misconduct is unacceptable at all games, practices and other team or Club activities. Coach misconduct includes, but is not limited to: 2.1.1. Any action which leads to a coach receiving a caution or send off. 2.1.2. Verbal or physical abuse towards the players, parents or other participants at team activities. 2.1.3. Teaching players to deliberately violate the laws of the game. 2.1.4. Participating in any team activity while using or under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Rev. 04/2015
2.2. Any coach arrested or indicted for criminal activity of any kind will be reviewed by the Board for possible suspension or other action including removal from coaching to protect the interests of OHSC and its members.
3. Penalties for Coach Misconduct 3.1. When OHSC receives a report of coaching misconduct, the complaint will be investigated by the Club Director of Coaching or their designee. The Director of Coaching will determine the seriousness of the offense. If the offense is minor, the Director of Coaching will counsel the coach concerning their behavior. If the offense is serious, the Director of Coaching will recommend appropriate penalties to the Board, for their action under the Disciplinary Hearing Procedures below. These penalties may range up to and include removal as a coach. 3.2. These standards and procedures apply to any action taken against a coach during the season.
The Club reserves the right to refuse, for any reason, to allow someone to coach during a current or subsequent season. No appeal will be heard on a decision to deny someone coaching privilege. REV. 10/2019